Q: Why is my water bill so high?
A: A leaking faucet can fill a bathtub full of water in 24 hours and a leaking toilet can leak thousands of gallons of water in a month or so. That's a big water bill!
Q: How long will it take a small leak in my faucet to ruin the faucet?
A: 1 to 2 weeks is all it takes. The high pressure water leaking past washers in the faucet will cut a grove in the faucet that sometimes can't be repaired.
Q: Can I clean my drain with chemicals?
A: If chemicals were going to work, there would be a money back guarantee on them. Most chemicals will do more harm than good, and some will remove the enamel out of the bathtub or sink. Don't do it!
Q: I put chemicals in my enamel fixture. Now what do I do?
A: Put in baking soda until it stops fizzing and dip out the water and do it again. You may save your fixture. But no guarantees. The damage may already be done.
Q: How often do I need to clean my sewer?
A: If you have tree roots in the line, every 2 years. If you have no roots, clean your sewer when it starts to drain slowly.